Columbian Monthly Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany
Title: Columbian Monthly Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany
Category: 18th Century, Miscellany
Volume: 1
Issue: 12
Date: August 1787
Published in: Philadelphia, PA
Boston Magazine
Title: Boston Magazine
Category: 18th Century, Miscellany
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-14
Date: October 1783 – December 1786
Published in: Boston, MA
Analectic Magazine
Title: Analectic Magazine
Category: Politics, Literary
Volume: 1-14
Issue: 1-6 ea
Date: January 1813 – December 1820
Published in: Philadelphia, PA
American Museum, Or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, & C. Prose and Poetical
Title: American Museum, Or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, & C. Prose and Poetical
Category: 18th Century
Volume: 2-10, +6 appendices
Issue: 1-6
Date: July 1787 – December 1791
Published in: Philadelphia, PA
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