Title: Plow; a Monthly Chronicle of Rural Affairs
Category: Agriculture, Horticulture
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Date: January 1852
Published in: New York, NY
Title: Plow; a Monthly Chronicle of Rural Affairs
Category: Agriculture, Horticulture
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Date: January 1852
Published in: New York, NY
Title: Ohio Cultivator. A Semi-Monthly Journal Devoted to the Improvement of Agriculture and Horticulture, and the Promotion of Domestic Industry.
Category: Agriculture
Volume: 1-2
Issue: 1-24
Date: January – December 1846
Published in: Columbus, OH
Title: New York Farmer and Horticultural Repository
Category: Agriculture, Horticulture
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-12
Date: January – December 1828
Published in: New York, NY
Title: New England Farmer
Category: Agriculture
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-26
Date: December 1848 – December 1849
Published in: Boston, MA