Title: Harvardiana
Category: Collegiate, Harvard
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-12
Date: September 1834 – August 1835
Published in: Cambridge, MA
A monthly literary magazine published by the students at Harvard.
Title: Harvardiana
Category: Collegiate, Harvard
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-12
Date: September 1834 – August 1835
Published in: Cambridge, MA
A monthly literary magazine published by the students at Harvard.
Title: Broadway Journal
Category: Literary, Edgar Allan Poe
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-26
Date: January – June 1845
Published in: New York, NY
Title: Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion
Category: Literary, Edgar Allan Poe, David Thoreau
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Date: January 1842
Published in: Boston, MA
Title: Boatswain’s Whistle
Category: Civil War, Literary, Military
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Date: November 1864
Published in: Boston, MA
Title: Arcturus, A Journal of Books and Opinion
Category: Literary
Volume: 1-2
Issue: 1-12
Date: December 1840
Published in: New York, NY