Frank Leslie’s Ladies Gazette of Paris, London and New York Fashions

Frank Leslie’s Ladies Gazette of Paris, London and New York Fashions

Title: Frank Leslie’s Ladies Gazette of Paris, London and New York Fashions
Category: Fashion
Volume: 2
Local ID: 1623
Date: July 1854
Published in: New York, NY
A scarce, especially in wrappers, early, elegantly produced Leslie publication. Features include an oversized, hand colored fashion plate and wonderfully illustrated advertising, including one for Matthew Brady’s Daguerrean Studios on the inside back wrapper. Some issues have the actual full-scale patterns included.

Frank Leslie’s Sunday Magazine

Frank Leslie’s Sunday Magazine

Title: Frank Leslie’s Sunday Magazine
Category: Religion
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-6
Date: January – June 1877
Published in: New York, NY
An inexpensive, monthly illustrated miscellany. It was typical of Leslie publications, but had a greater percentage of religious themes.

Choice Literature

Choice Literature

Title: Choice Literature
Category: Literary
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-6
Date: February – August 1883
Published in: New York, NY

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