The Steven Lomazow Collection of American Periodicals

One of the largest periodical collection of all time. The Steven Lomazow Collection consists of almost 30 thousand issues dating back to the early 1700's.  A finer collection of periodical artwork you can't find any where else.


Dr. Steven Lomazow
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Local ID: 3491

Estimated Value: $200

Title: Parley’s Magazine for Children and Youth
Category: Juvenile
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Date: March 1833
Published in: Boston, MA
A children’s magazine, edited by the prolific Samuel Goodrich (Peter Parley), containing geography and travel, Bible stories, natural history, little didactic tales, tables, dialogues and poems, abundantly illustrated with woodcuts. It emphasized moral and physical education and later, music. Later volumes were issued in boards (see below). Merged into “Merry’s Museum for Boys and Girls” (418).