Title: Parthenian, A Quarterly Magazine, Devoted to Literature, Education, and the Fine Arts
Category: Literary, Art, Woman’s
Volume: 1
Issue: Vol. 1 No. 1 – 4, Vol. 3 No. 1
Date: March 1852 – September 1860
Published in: Baltimore, MD
An illustrated quarterly miscellany with articles and literature by the students of the academy. The last issue bound in is unrecorded. This is a presentation copy to a visiting dignitary to the school and is in goldstamped publisher’s binding decorated with an image of the school.


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Title: Parthenian, A Quarterly Magazine, Devoted to Literature, Education, and the Fine Arts
Category: Literary, Art, Woman’s
Volume: 1
Issue: Vol. 1 No. 1 – 4, Vol. 3 No. 1
Date: March 1852 – September 1860
Published in: Baltimore, MD
An illustrated quarterly miscellany with articles and literature by the students of the academy. The last issue bound in is unrecorded. This is a presentation copy to a visiting dignitary to the school and is in goldstamped publisher’s binding decorated with an image of the school.