The Steven Lomazow Collection of American Periodicals
One of the largest periodical collection of all time. The Steven Lomazow Collection consists of almost 30 thousand issues dating back to the early 1700's. A finer collection of periodical artwork you can't find any where else.
Dr. Steven Lomazow
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Estimated Value: $2,000
Title: | Port Folio |
Category: | Miscellany |
Volume: | 1-5 |
Issue: | 1-52, v5 1-51 |
Date: | January 1801 – December 1808 |
Published in: | Philadelphia, PA |
A pristine run, all volumes in publisher’s bindings other than volume 5. Includes the prospectus. The most important magazine of its era, with sometimes controversial political content and original literary appearances, including some by John Quincy Adams. Most of the important periodicals of the next 50 years were influenced by its satire, fiction, poetry and illustration. An essay in the issue of April 23, 1803, attacking Thomas Jefferson, brought about editor Joseph Dennie’s arrest and trial for sedition (he was acquitted). Published early poetry by Dennie concerning Sally Hemings; also first American appearance of Little Red Riding Hood. Mott I: 173 – 82, 190 – 94, 198 – 210, 233 – 46; Lewis: p. 18. Smyth: pp. 92 – 151; Chielens I: 319 – 23; Kribbs 718; Edgar 171; Sloane: pp. 213 – 19; Wagner-Camp 28. |