Title: Red Letter, An Illustrated Monthly
Category: Chapbook, Art Noveau
Volume: 1-2
Issue: Vol 1. No. 1 – 5, Vol. 2 No. 1
Date: August 1896 – March 1897
Published in: Boston, MA
Illustrations by Maxfield Parrish, Aubrey Beardley. Wrappers bound in the back.

Local ID: 3946

Estimated Value: $400

Title: Red Letter, An Illustrated Monthly
Category: Chapbook, Art Noveau
Volume: 1-2
Issue: Vol 1. No. 1 – 5, Vol. 2 No. 1
Date: August 1896 – March 1897
Published in: Boston, MA
Illustrations by Maxfield Parrish, Aubrey Beardley. Wrappers bound in the back.