The Steven Lomazow Collection of American Periodicals

One of the largest periodical collection of all time. The Steven Lomazow Collection consists of almost 30 thousand issues dating back to the early 1700's.  A finer collection of periodical artwork you can't find any where else.


Dr. Steven Lomazow
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Local ID: 5235

Estimated Value: $2,000

Title:  Yankee and Boston Literary Gazette
Category:  Literary
Volume:  2
Issue:  3
Date:  September 1829
Published in:  Boston, MA
 This issue contains the first periodical appearance of Edgar Allen Poe, consisting of a paragraph of criticism and two stanzas of poetry. This followed only the legendarily rare book, “Tamerlane” (1827), which was not published, and two poems published under his brother’s name in 1827 in “North American, or Weekly Journal of Politics, Science and Literature”. Robertson I: 198 – 199; II: 67 – 72.