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Our Living and Our Dead

The Steven Lomazow Collection of American Periodicals One of the largest periodical collection of all time. The Steven Lomazow Collection consists of almost 30 thousand issues dating back to the early 1700's.  A finer collection of periodical artwork you can't find...

Camp Fire

The Steven Lomazow Collection of American Periodicals One of the largest periodical collection of all time. The Steven Lomazow Collection consists of almost 30 thousand issues dating back to the early 1700's.  A finer collection of periodical artwork you can't find...


Title: Reveille
Category: Military
Volume: 1 Issue: 1-2
Date: December 20 – December 21, 1870.
Published in: Salem, MA

Issues and Events

Title: Issues and Events
Category:  World War 1, Military, Satire
Volume:  4-8
Issue:  76 issues.
Date:  January 6 1914 – January 26, 1918
Published in:  New York, NY


This Issue: Title: Binnacle Category: Military, World War I Value:  $100 Volume:  1 Issue:  1 Local ID:  10316 Date:  June 1918 Published in: Providence RI A monthly “designed to meet the demands of the workmen of the Lord Construction Company in their efforts...

Volunteer Papers

Category:  Humor, Civil War
Value:  $1,000
Volume:  1
Issue:  1
Local ID:  10306
Date:  May 18, 1861
Published in: Cincinnati, Oh
An exceedingly rare four-page seri-comic semi-weekly published by “Boni Friz & co. The second issue only is recorded on 2 sites on OCLC as well as the Boston Public Library. Unrecorded in ULS.


Title:  Bull
Category:  Military
Volume:  1
Issue:  12
Date:  March 1916- March 1917
Published in:  New York, NY

Monthly Bugle

Title: Monthly Bugle
Category: Military, Civil War
Volume:  1
Issue:  1
Date:  January 1895
Published in: Rockand, ME